Thursday, October 31, 2019

Closing the Youth justice Gap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Closing the Youth justice Gap - Essay Example It is for the above reasons and more that we must work together to ensure that the BMER young peoples voices are listened to and heard. There should be an initiative to start a process involving the young people as change agents and their views on crime and community safety to be heard and include them in policy and practice if plausible. The strategies to be followed must make cities safe for one and all. Reasons for a young offender who was repeating his offences and being taken into custody number of times should be explored. It might happen due to the Youth Justice Board agents’ discrimination towards them. The depression and frustration when there is no outlet may turn out in the form of a crime. When these are introduced to Entry to Employment Young people who are on mainstream E2E programmes. Children and young people who offend face particular problems accessing or sustaining engagement with education, training and employment. The pilot, which ran from August 2003 to July 2005 with Hindley Young Offender Institution and local youth offending teams was able to identify these barriers to engagement and highlighted along with poor educational attainment, including basic literacy and numeracy problems. ï€  Some providers being disinclined to provide training to young offenders who may have challenging behavior, poor life skills, such as time and budget management, behavioral issues, a lack of awareness, locally, among providers of how to improve the situation. The pilot was extended for one year to build on initial success. Using three voluntary sector agencies: – Nacro, Rathbone and YMCA Training, working together as the Learning Alliance – the programme provided support for a mentoring component as part of education and training provision. The programme had the support of the Learning and Skills Council. A key proposal to be was the need to listen more to young people. A

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Liquidity Crisis Essay Example for Free

Liquidity Crisis Essay At present our commercial banks are passing a difficult situation. Most of the banks are in liquidity crisis. And this type of shortage of money makes difficult to engage in various transactions. Now the main causes behind this are given below:- Currency value: In the recent year, our country has experienced a decline in the value of Tk against currency which has created has huge liquidity crisis in the banking sector. For this reason our country has failed to collect maximum amount of US dollar required to open letter of credit (LC) for local businessmen to import essential commodities for the country. As a result the importer is facing a severe crisis in their business. Mandatory reserve: Banks need to reserve huge amount of money to maintain CRR and SLR. As it is mandatory duty of them. BB has recently increased the rate of CRR and SLR as result the problem of liquidity crisis has been aggravated recently. Government credit: To decrease the deficit budget unit govt. are taking loan from commercial banks. And this thing create extra burden to our banking sector and it cause more liquidity crisis in that sector. Inflation: The liquidity crisis of the banking sector has been accelerated by the increased amount of inflation, thus increasing the price of overall commodities for general people. To keep pace with this inflationary effect, the people withdraw savings from the banks and use this fund for their transaction expenditure. As a result bank faces liquidity crisis. Non-recovery loan: the overall percentage of recovery loan is very alarming. And this is another important reason to increase the liquidity sector of commercial banks. Proposed budget: the proposed budget create a liquidity in the banking sector due to its over-reliance on domestic borrowing for implementing the annual development program.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Nestle Organistional Chart

The Nestle Organistional Chart According to Louis A. Allen as cited anon, Organisation is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives. According to Mooney and Railey, Organisation is the form of every human association for the attainment of a common purpose. In short, organizing is the determining, grouping and arranging of the various activities deemed necessary for the attainment of the objectives, the assigning of people to those activities, the providing of suitable physical factors of environment and the indicating of the relative authority delegated to each individual charged with the execution of each respective activity. (Anon.n.d) ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization. Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. Formal and informal organization A formal organization structure shows a recognisable chain of command, it also has many levels of management. This makes communication slower and decision making harder to implement. An informal structure is much more relaxed, with very few levels of management. This makes communication much easier between levels and decisions anr made faster. (Anon.n.d) Centralization and de-centralization Centralized organizational structures rely on one individual to make decisions and provide direction for the company. Small businesses often use this structure since the owner is responsible for the companys business operations. Decentralized organizational structures often have several individuals responsible for making business decisions and running the business. Decentralized organizations rely on a team environment at different levels in the business. Individuals at each level in the busi. (Osmond Vitez, Demand Media. (2009).) Span of control The number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor can directly control. This number varies with the type of work: complex, variable work reduces it to six, whereas routine, fixed work increases it to twenty or more.( Product Structure The product structure describes the information thats needed, or is produced, at each phase of the lifecycle. The workflow is defined as a set of tasks, characterised by resources, events, associated information, responsibilities, decision criteria, procedures to be used, and standards to be applied (Product Lifecycle Management,2011) Advantages 1. allows the business to make relatively quick decisions, and locate all personnel related to each other together 2. Clear focus on market segment helps meet customers needs. 3. Positive competition between divisions 4. Better control as each division can act as a separate profit centre Disadvantages: Redundancies often exist across product organizations as functional responsibilities are duplicated under each product organization. Economies of scale and scope are more difficult to achieve as this organization structure encourages less cooperation and coordination across the product units. Regional structure: One which takes account of the exclusive membership of countries which are geographical neighbours and identify closely with each other politically, not including non-regional members, although there are also quasi-regional organisations whose membership is basically limited to a geographical area of interest but which in practice includes non-regional members (The Structure and Process of International Law: Essays in Legal Philosophy, Doctrine, and Theory,1983) Advantages: The country organization is capable of sensing and understanding local conditions and is able to formulate strategies which effectively meet the needs of local stakeholders. Policies in areas such as human resource management can be tailored to meet the needs and expectations of local employees, product mix and design can be optimized for local conditions, and the organization can respond more quickly to changing circumstances on the ground. Disadvantages: The disadvantages of the area structure are similar to those of the product structure. Economies of scale will be harder to achieve as different localities develop and implement very different product strategies on one hand, and invest resources in developing local functional expertise and effort which may well be duplicated unnecessarily across geographic units. Function Structure: A functional structure is based on the primary tasks that have to be carried out, such as production, finance and accounting, marketing and personnel. This structure is typically found in smaller companies or those with a narrow, rather than diverse, range of services (Managing Projects, Managing People,2008) Advantages Specialization each department focuses on its own work Accountability someone is responsible for the section Clarity know your and others roles Disadvantages Closed communication could lead to lack of focus Departments can become resistant to change Coordination may take too long Gap between top and bottom Matrix Structure A matrix structure is a combination of often takes the form of product and geographical divisions of functional and divisional structures operation in tandem (Managing Projects, Managing People,2008) Advantages: The matrix allows functional efficiencies to be achieved while also allowing for the management of discrete product lines. Product managers remain focused on specific customer and product issues, yet can tap into the specialized support systems offered by strong functions. Where a geographic dimension is included in the structure, country managers or other local personnel can devote their attention to the development of location specific strategies. Communication and information sharing may be facilitated through the multiple dimensions. Disadvantages: The matrix is complex and often involves additional coordination costs. Confusion and ambiguity may result from multiple reporting relationships as a single individual may receive conflicting direction from their various supervisors. Multidivisional Structure These divisions may be formed because of products, services, geographical areas or the processes of the organisation (Managing Projects, Managing People,2008) Advantages: Profitable growth: when each division is its own profit centre, individual profitability can be clearly evaluated Internal labor market: the most able divisional managers are promoted to become corporate managers Disadvantages Managing the corporate-divisional relationship: finding the balance between centralization and decentralization Coordination problems between divisions: divisions start competing for resources and rivalry prevents cooperation CULTURE Culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another (Foreign Market Entry and Culture,2009) Types of Culture Handys culture types (1978) The theorist Charles Handy identified the four main types of culture. Power culture wherever power is concentrated in a leader or top of the management team. Quite informal and flexible, it allows trusted staff to get on with the job. Role culture where the authority is arranged in a hierarchy and the power depends on formal status. Many rules and procedures can make change difficult. It is Mostly seen in large bureaucratic organizations. Task culture is purpose- and project-driven with leadership based on expertise for the task in hand. Often copes well with rapid change but may lack overall cohesion. Person culture stresses the individuals right to make decisions with shared rules only for mutual benefit. Effective for professionals and independent workers such as lawyers but may break up as conditions change. ((Kim Ann Zimmermann. (2012)) NESTLE ORGANISTIONAL CHART Functional Organization Chart Product BIBLOGRAPHY Anon. (n.d). Definition, Meaning Characteristic of Organisation . Available: Last accessed 9th Februray 2013. Anon. (n.d). Definition of formal and informal organization?. Available: Last accessed 9th Feburary 2013. Osmond Vitez, Demand Media. (2009). Centralized Vs. Decentralized Organizational Structure. Available: Last accessed 9th Februray 2013. Kim Ann Zimmermann. (2012). What is Culture? Definition of Culture. Available: Last accessed 27TH FEBURARY 2013. Anon. (2012). regional structure. Available: Last accessed 3rd march 2013. Anon. (2013). functional organization. Available: Last accessed 3rd march 2013. David Parker, Michael Craig, Michael A. Craig (2008). Managing Projects, Managing People. Australia : Macmillan Education AU. 23-26. Thomas Wagner (2009). Foreign Market Entry and Culture. Germany: GRIN Verlag. 2

Friday, October 25, 2019

Reading :: essays research papers

A.C Peterson Farms 1) I feel that this ice cream company has provided examples of matrix structure because it9is a structure in which the task of the organization is grouped along with two organizing dimension simutanelously. 2) Advantages of centralizing decision making for a firm like AC Paterson Farms are more control to top managers and maximizing efficiency. The main disadvantage is it may limit the organization to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the environment. Chocolate and Much More 1) The company in regards to the organizational design must be integrating mechanism, which is a method for managing the flow of information, resources, and tasks within the organization. 2) The repercussion of moving into new international markets without the appropriate organizational design could be a disaster. With no formulated plan the merge in to foreign countries will result in failure. 3) I recommend that the company seek optional plans that will benefit the strategic plan and mission of the organization. Ethic Case 1) If I were in Tom’s position I too wold feel very uneasy. Although with serious though Tom was chosen as the laison of production this mean his peers and boss trust his work. Also I would develop a plan that would benefit the company as a whole not just one department. 2) I would recommend to Tom advice the two departments to meet on a weekly basis to restructure communication lines. From there the two should negotiate the plans for the company and realistic accomplishments for the two departments. 3) No I can not think of any other organizational relationships or situations that might lead to a similar problem. Ethic Case I. Dobbs Electronics Manufacturing Company production and manufacturing departments have stopped communicating, which has created many problems for the company. II. Manufacturing and production departments at the electronics manufacturing company have halted all communications. The success of the sales can depend on presise delivery of the product. To do this sales representatives have promised shipment due date before the production department can produce the item. This had lead to rushing through the job, working overtime, and reducing machine downtime for maintance. Top management has recognized the problem and know they need to reestablish the communication between the two departments. In attempt to solve the situation a liaison for each department was appointed. Tom Short is the liaison for the production department, his feelings towards the assignment deal with the concern of the way his boss and peers will view him and his ability to work.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

George Orwell 1984 Essay

In this essay I intend to investigate experiences and historical events in Orwell’s lifetime. These events may have significantly influenced Orwell’s style, structure and theme, contributing to the political and artistic nature of his novel. I also intend to compare the contradictory interpretations of Orwell’s ‘message’. Did he intend 1984 as a warning, a prediction, or a historical novel? Despite its critics 1984 has made a significant impression on the modern world. Its infiltration into reality television may not be a tribute Orwell would have appreciated but many of his terms and phrases have been used to highlight threats to social and personal freedom. I will use this as a basis to ascertain whether there are other aspects of Orwell’s novel that have become reality in the modern world. 1984 by George Orwell was written in1947/48. This era has been referred to as ‘The age of anxiety, the age of the lost generation’. (www. historyguide. org/europe/lecture10) It was a nightmare world where individuality was lost. The totalitarian states of the time, exercised complete control over the lives of their human subjects. The Great War (World War One) facilitated totalitarian regimes, simply because war has only one objective: victory. â€Å"Individuality is sacrificed for collectivism and freedom is restricted as governments reject liberal values†. (www. historyguide. org/europe/lecture10) This mood of anxiety and conformity, is clearly illustrated in 1984; this is portrayed in the early pages of the novel and is maintained throughout. Orwell cleverly uses his descriptive talent, to set the scene for his reader. At the very beginning of his novel ‘the vile wind, the swirl of gritty dust’ (Page 4) projects a negative image of life in 1984. The maintenance of these visual images is preserved and comparisons, between post-war Britain and 1984, are recognisable. Examples of these are the shortages, rationing and the bombsites of the 1940’s. Orwell successfully engages the readers’ senses to conjure up images within the mind of the reader. ‘The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats’. (Page 4) I found phrases like this one actually made me feel the squalor and deprivation he was describing. The use of visual cues is also a theme, which starts on the first page of Orwell’s novel. He continually presents images that could be describing London during the 1940’s, but are in fact describing life in 1984. ‘A coloured poster too large for indoor display has been tacked to the wall ’(Page 4) Orwell has managed to reaffirm the squalid surroundings by the use of the word ‘tacked’ before he has even described the poster. ‘It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five with heavy black moustache and ruggedly hand-some features’. Many have suggested that Orwell based his character â€Å"Big Brother† the leader of the party on Stalin and Hitler because they all shared similar physical characteristics and had the ability to â€Å"manipulate the minds of the masses†. (The Worlds Most Evil Men). However, Churchill was also â€Å"recognised for his skill in altering peoples minds†(The History Of World War II) which could be interpreted that, the people of the 1940’s were being manipulated, regardless of their countries political status. His creative talent excelled itself with the name of his totalitarian leader. Big Brother conveys an image of trust and loyalty with the idea that he is a member of your family who is a figure affording protection and security. This is a complete contradiction to the lives of the Russian citizens under Stalin or the German people during Hitler’s rein and indeed the population of nineteen eighty four had little opportunity to feel safe. The naming of other characters within his novel, I suspect, had a deeper meaning. For example Emmanuel Goldstein’s face was described as It resembled the face of a sheep and the voice, too, had a sheep like quality. The significance of this description becomes more meaningful if you look at a poster (see appendix 1) used during World War II. Henri Guigon represented Churchill as a British bulldog in an American poster. To the whole world Britain’s new prime minister epitomised the stubborn and proud nature of the British. Orwell uses animals for descriptive comparison frequently in his writing but the use of a sheep, in this instance, is a curious choice. The character Goldstein is the leader of the opposition and sheep like qualities conjure up images of low intelligence and all following the crowd. This is a form of sarcasm that implies ridicule, disapproval, or contempt Sarcasm often includes an element of irony. Winston’s description of the opposition is not dissimilar to party members. Orwell could have been expressing his concerns with how Churchill’s War Cabinet, had on occasions, behaved no differently from the fascist regimes of the era. News was censored, wages controlled and travel restricted under the guise of wartime necessity. (Guardian 2002). However Goldstein is a Jewish name and World War II had just ended when this book was being written. Goldstein is used as a scapegoat in 1984, which has, parallels with the Nazis attempt to blame their problems on the Jews. In my opinion the name of Orwell’s main character Winston Smith also had a deeper, if somewhat personal meaning. Orwell was a dying man, when he wrote this novel, and he was probably aware it would be his final legacy to the world. He had a reluctant admiration for Churchill. Although he did not always agree with his policies he admired him not only for his courage but also a certain â€Å"largeness and geniality†. The History Of World War II) This admiration was expressed in the form of poetry that he rarely wrote. (See appendix 2). It is a fitting acknowledgement of this respect, that Winston became the name of his primary character. Smith is simply a very common English name, which gives the impression that Winston Smith is a very ordinary citizen not dissimilar to oneself. The caption under the Big Brother posters read â€Å" Big Brother is watching you† (Page 4) Orwell’s use of capital letters for this caption, and indeed others later in the book, gives increased impact to the reader of the significance of these words. It gives a sense of the controlling nature of the society in which the citizens of 1984 lived; constantly being watched by the eyes of Big Brother. It was similar to the blackouts enforced during World War II where wardens’ patrolled neighbourhood, and failure to conform, resulted in humiliating offenders in front of their neighbours. (The History Of World War II) The use of posters and slogans in Orwell’s novel may well have been inspired by the vast array of similar images used during World War II. England and Germany, among others, used large images, in a poster format, to send messages to their people. These were used to encourage conformity, solidarity and patriotism within each nation. At times they were also used to inflate morale at home and abroad, while at the same time humiliating and ridiculing their opponents. (See appendix 3) A good example of this, used in World War II, is the appearance of ‘V’ on walls in German- occupied Belgium. The Flemish speaking Belgians would interpret this as ‘vrijheid’, which means freedom, and the French speaking Belgians would understand this to mean ‘victoire’ (victory). This is a cruel psychological attack on an already defeated nation. Winston describes party slogans, in 1984, on the walls of buildings, which also have contradictory meanings. â€Å"War is peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength† (Page 6) Orwell uses this type of psychological approach in different ways throughout his novel. Orwell’s wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy (1905-1945) had a degree in psychology from Oxford University. Obtained in the 1920’s this would have been a significant achievement for a woman at that time and her influence on Orwell’s writing has been recognised. Eileen wrote a poem called â€Å"End Of The Century, 1984†(1934). There are similarities between the futuristic vision of Eileen’s poem and Orwell’s 1984, including mind control and the destruction of personal freedom. (www. arlindo-correia) The aggression, described by Winston, during the two-minute hate, and the hangings could have been influenced by Eileen’s psychological knowledge. There are various psychological theories as to why people display aggression. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) believed aggressive impulses are a reaction to frustrations of daily lives. This theory could easily be applied to the citizens in 1984. Freud’s theories were very influential during the 1940’s/50’s and his written articles had an almost political language, when referring to human behaviour, which may have appealed to Orwell’s political and artistic nature. Behavioural psychologists believe behaviour is learnt through reinforcement; their theory is that humans respond to social reinforcement such as social approval. In the 1940’s solidarity and conformity in Britain was achieved via camaraderie â€Å"every one doing their bit†. (Yesterdays Britain) In 1984 it was built on fear. In the following quote Winston describes what happens to citizens who don’t conform to the party’s political orthodoxy. In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized. (Page 22) This type of enforcement was common after the death of Lenin in 1924. His successor Josef Stalin turned a popular revolution based on freedom and equality, into a totalitarian dictatorship maintained solely by terror. He said â€Å"The death of a man is a tragedy; the death of a thousand is a statistic† (World Most Evil Men). A census in 1937 estimated that Russia’s population was twenty million short of what it should have been, although this information was withheld and emigration and famine were factors Stalin’s purges accounted for millions of deaths during his rule. Winston describes the use of purges during the formation of the party. The intense anger and hatred that Winston describes are characteristic of mob behaviour and learning. The characters of Orwell’s novel show almost animal like hatred for the opposition and hero worship for Big Brother. This behaviour appears unrealistic, but if you look at Britain during World War II there are some striking similarities. The people of Britain were suffering a savage war with horrors, deprivation, shortages and bombings. Death and loss were a constant threat, yet ordinary British people obeyed government instructions â€Å"keep calm and carry on†. The conformity of the people of 1984 is portrayed in different ways firstly; party uniforms remove any possibility of individuality. The idea that men and women wore the same uniform also removed gender as a source of identity. ‘ I’m going to get hold of a real women’s frock from somewhere and wear it instead of these bloody trousers’. Julia goes on to say ‘In this room I’m going to be a woman, not a party comrade’. (Page 164) During the war women’s role changed and they were required to do the work previously done by men. The uniforms they wore, although practical, had a distinctly masculine appearance. Clothing was rationed until March 1949 and women had learnt to live independently. The Bible (Deuteronomy 22. 5) clearly states, â€Å"The women shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man† highlighting the social unacceptability of women wearing trousers. This did not change until the 1960’s. Gender identity refers to the psychological and biological dimensions of sex. Freud (1925) described this as â€Å"Psychical consequences of anatomical distinction between the sexes†(Freud 1925) In the modern world, there is legislation that prohibits discrimination, because of a person’s gender identity, which is part of the human rights laws. (www. ransgenderlaw. org) Although Orwell gives his characters names, the society he is describing mainly refer to each other as comrade. This was also a common term used in Nazi Germany, during World War II. Removing the use of personal names is another means of removing an individual’s identity and individuality. The party is all-powerful, friendships and family structure is suppressed to limit the possibility of divided loyalties. The party demands absolute loyalty in thought and deed. Children are brainwashed via organization such as the Junior Spies and Youth Groups these are similar to Adolph Hitler’s Youth League, during World War II. Education was designed to suppress independent thought and sources of information were restricted and controlled. In the 1940’s most educational establishments, educated children via the ‘didactic model’ sometimes called teacher- centred teaching. This method is where knowledge is passed from teacher to pupil. The teacher speaks and the pupil’s listen. In the modern world students are educated via the ‘critical method’ this is sometimes called ‘student-centred learning’. This is a process where students are taught to explore, question and formulate truth and opinions for themselves. The use of investigating, discussing and debating are used to facilitate the development of independent thought. (Pollard1998) One of the most chilling depictions of the repressive and controlling nature of life in 1984, in my opinion, is the inclusion of the telescreen.. â€Å"The telescreen receives and transmitted simultaneously, you had to live did live, from habit that became instinctive in the assumption that every sound you made was over heard, and except in darkness, every movement scrutinised†. Page 5) The use of the telescreen was an ingenious concept, taking into account the era. Technology was primitive compared to the modern world. However, the military during World War II improved radar and rockets, this enabled the post war development of television (1946) and close circuit television (CCTV) (1949). The Star newspaper (January 14 1949) included an article explaining a â€Å"New system of television being used to aid road safety†. This system carried signa ls direct from a camera to a screen with both visual and audio reception, this was known as CCTV. The summer of 1949 saw the technology and the knowledge but not the resources available to launch satellites (The Star 1949) which we now know can be used to monitor, observe and transmit around the world. In today’s society Britain has earned a reputation as a world leader of surveillance. It is estimated that the average British citizen is caught on camera up to three hundred times per day (The Star 2005). However, observation of British citizens is not a new concept. During World War II mass observation was the government’s way of keeping in touch with the mood of the people. Tom Harrison, the director of mass observation called for observers to monitor war morale. Citizens’ reactions in cinemas were monitored to perceive the mood of the nation (Yesterdays Britain). Orwell used irony extensively through out his novel. For example He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. (Page 214) This contradicts appearance with reality and allows the reader to understand Winston’s motives and rebellion. Later the reader is informed that in fact the telescreen is hidden behind a picture, which was offered for sale by Mr Charrington earlier in the novel. This suggests to the reader that an enemy is not always obvious. The friend and foe situation between the Communists and the Nazi’s during the 1940’s is a clear example of a hidden enemy. In the present world, America and Britain are fighting a War on terrorism. It appears ironic that we are fighting a war against an unknown enemy; at home and abroad. Orwell’s character Winston Smith is frequently concerned with the parties’ alteration of facts and history. The quote â€Å"He who controls the past controls the future† is a terrifying notion. The alteration of history, whether personal or social removes individuality and identity it also, to a certain extent, changes reality into anything the ruling party deems it to be. Stalin, after the Russian revolution, had history rewritten to magnify his part in events. Trotsky’s part had been erased from Soviet textbooks. (Time Archive 1940) For information and historical events to be constant and unalterable they need to be remembered. Humans have a complex memory system, which enables information received from the environment to be processed. Short-term memory (STM) is information that is held temporarily and long-term memory (LTM) is a permanent storage system. For information to pass from STM into LTM individuals need to pay attention to the received information. Repetition, relearning and making the information meaningful help to maintain the information permanently. Orwell’s 1984 society appears to be attempting to remove LTM from its citizens. Information is received via telescreens but due to poor LTM development this information can be altered without the individual remembering the original information. This is achievable partly due to the act that new information interferes with previous memories. Orwell expressed his concerns (Politics and the English language) that government officials debating on historic events trivialised the truth and found ways to convince everyone that history never happened or happened but it didn’t mater any way. Young children have a limited memory capacity due to underdevelopment of the pre frontal cortex but also because they are not particularly interested in remembering the past thus make little effort to develop ways of making memories meaningful, which also makes recall more difficult. Orwell use’s this concept in his novel in a variety of ways. Firstly the characters in 1984 are more concerned with survival than the past. The present is more relevant to this aim than events from the past. With the invention of Newspeak, the official language of Oceania it enables the party to restrict speech, thought and consequently memory. Many in today’s society, would suggest that politicians have perfected their own form of â€Å"Newspeak†. The use of text messaging is also a modern day form of newspeak. Orwell was concerned with the use, or misuse of the English language. He felt that words with variable meaning were often used with the intent to deceive and that language was intended for expression not concealing or preventing thought. In the modern world the media is required to present a ‘balanced’ coverage of news and public affaires. However this results in a form of ‘double think’ in which truth is immediately neutered by an opposite truth. The second section of Orwell’s novel deals mainly with the love affair between the characters Winston and Julia. This gives the novel direction and hope. However, the inclusion of â€Å"the book† makes this a difficult section to read. Orwell’s intentions may well have been to explain the futility of war where there are no winners or indeed losers; just simply the maintenance of war. Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf (My Struggle) outlining his vision of the future of Germany. It was a ranting, sometimes unreadable vision of the future of Germany (The world’s most evil men). This may have been the inspiration for the inclusion of â€Å"the book† in Orwell’s novel. Orwell uses various figurative language through out his novel, this gives the writing greater power of expression and meets Orwell’s criteria for artistic purpose (Why I Write). For example the melodramatic use of the nursery rhyme â€Å"Oranges and lemons†, say the bells of St Clements’s! (Page 112) Is an epigram, the rhyme symbolizes, in an almost child like way, the past. Orwell maintains the original historical names of the London churches before the formation of the party. Through this symbolic representation it gives Winston hope that, fragments of the past can survive. Other characters gradually piece together the rhyme until Charington finally completes it during the capture of Winston and Julia. These Churches are recognisable in London today and keep the novel relevant after the year 1984. Orwell uses innuendo with the words â€Å"we shall meet in the place where there is no darkness† (Page 118). Winston believes these words are from O’Brien but Orwell manages to keep the origin and the significance of these words unknown until Winston and Julia are captured. This creates and develops a sense of foreboding and suspense, which maintains the controlling and manipulating society, which is being portrayed in 1984. Winston’s dreams of the â€Å"Golden Country† are the direct opposite of his reality in 1984. They represent peace, beauty, unity and uniqueness. These are Freudian theories as they reveal Winston’s subconscious. The capture and subsequent torture of Winston shows a curious, horrific and terrifying journey. The absolute and total destruction of the mind and body. However, the language and tone is calm and detached with surprisingly little malice, anger or hatred. This gives a deeper more powerful description of what Orwell is suggesting the future could be. It also gives the character O’Brien a more complex personality. He is constantly switching between ‘good guy’ and ‘bad guy’. This intrigues the reader, as well as Winston. Is he friend or foe? He has the â€Å"power† to do good or evil, which will he choose? Orwell is using an interesting psychological theory. He is suggesting that not all evil men are bad all the time and thus good people do not always act nicely. The reader is left with a feeling of wanting to like O’Brien but at the same time hating him for his cruelty. This strange relationship is as contradictory and confusing as Churchill and Roosevelt’s involvement with Stalin (1939). Despite the catastrophic purges, and the negative value that Stalin had demonstrated over human life, they still became allies. Churchill said of Stalin, at the Yalta summit, â€Å"I walk through the world with greater courage when I find myself in a relationship of friendship and intimacy with this great man. † Stalin concealed a cruel and calculating nature prepared to commit war crimes at least as evil as those of the enemy. (Worlds Most Evil Men) Winston represents mankind (us)†If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man. †(Page 309) Winston’s torture and re-education is his or our chance to save humanity, freedom, individuality, choice, beliefs and the right to be different. Orwell has used psychological manipulation of the mind to project a horrific interpretation of the destruction of mankind Orwell uses a terrifying concept, by taking Stalin and Hitler’s atrocities to a whole new level: total and absolute conformity in life as well as in death. So long as human beings stay human, death and life are the same thing. (Page 156) Orwell’s novel in my opinion is a plausible projection of the future as he saw it in 1948. Projections of the future, often allows the reader to become detached because the people appear different from oneself. However, Orwell creates characters that are not dissimilar from us (the reader). The inclusion of the proletarians, that cleverly maintain sentimental songs and normal human compassion, also prevents detachment and preserves recognisable modern parallels. The setting of this novel is used to maintain the past, the present and the future. For example, the central administration building of The University of London which was used during World War II as the headquarters for the ministry of information. All censoring systems were coordinated from here. It bears a striking resemblance to the Ministry of Love described in 1984 and amusingly its telegraphic address was â€Å"miniform†. (www. orwelltoday. com) All other significant buildings, described in 1984 can be located in London today. This was probably Orwell’s intention and it keeps the novel viable even after the year 1984. In returning to the original question I feel I have demonstrated that George Orwell used many sources of inspiration, from the world, in his writing of 1984 and it powerfully reflects the times in which it was written. After the publication of Animal Farm (1945) Orwell explained that he intended â€Å"to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole†(Why I Write). This suggests that Orwell was concerned with Britain’s future. Even with overwhelming evidence of the evil nature of the Stalin regime, they still became allies with Britain and America. Malcolm Muggeride said of Orwell â€Å"He loved the past, hated the present and dreaded the future. I strongly believe that Orwell intended 1984, as a warning of what the world could become, not necessarily what it would become, if ‘we’ (the future) did not take action and responsibility. Orwell has left a legacy, a permanent warning. For the present and the future, to prevent the formation of the totalitarian states of the past. His terminology has given modern day man, the language to express themselves and to protect civil liberties and influence human rights. 1984 is a political satire that exaggerates all that was wrong with the world in 1949 to hopefully shock and horrify a nation into action and prevent this type of society becoming a reality. Although the date of the book has passed the message is still clear and in some ways more relevant today, than when it was written. The advances in technology have made the surveillance and monitoring of citizens easier and more commonplace. Freedom, in the true sense of the word still depends on where you live, your age and your gender. However, I feel Orwell’s novel should be recognised for its extraordinary impact and significant contribution to human rights in the modern world. Although Orwell’s warning has been subjected to many interpretations I feel a novelist is supposed to make you think and possibly reflect: you must agree, job well done. Despite its critics 1984 has sold millions of copies and has been translated into 65 languages.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A apologetic essay about how being a bully is wrong and the consequences of my actions. I had to write it to my Probation Officer.

A apologetic essay about how being a bully is wrong and the consequences of my actions. I had to write it to my Probation Officer. The consequences of my actions are numerous; like a wave in the ocean, rolling away out of sight unknown, yet nonetheless there. Although unintentional, my ignorance has caused emotional trauma.I do not think of myself as a bad person or a bully. I try to be friendly to everyone I meet, do my best not to make pre-conceived notions about people. I thought I was just goofing around with Nema - this went way overboard and I am very sorry for that. Every time I said any of the stupid things I said, a little chip of him dissipates. I did not realize that this had been happening to Nema all of high-school; that in fact his experience at high school has been anything but fun. My actions only worsened this. A load is put on his back of everything people have said and done to him, and one day it might just give out.The Columbine High School Memorial, located in Cle...I am the last one who wants to do this to a person.Why did Columbine happen? Why are there teenage suicides? Is it because of m e? No. Is it because of an accumulation of people acting like me, serious or not? Absolutely. A person can only be pushed so far before he breaks, acting against himself or toward others. The fact that Nema laughed at me when I made fun of him, that he never told me to stop, well, it astounded me. To be so accustomed to it that you just accept it, laugh at it because if you don't your afraid they might hurt you. I never intended to hurt him; however what I said was said.This is not much of a physically tormenting issue, at least in my case. Flicking his ear doesn't have much of a physical consequence,

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fetal Alochol Syndrome Essay

Fetal Alochol Syndrome Essay Fetal Alochol Syndrome Essay Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is the â€Å"umbrella term used to describe the range of possible effects associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. (Payne, 2012) The most widely known of these disorders is Fetal Alcohol syndrome (FAS) is defined as a pattern of physical, mental, and behavioral problems in the baby that are thought to be due to alcohol abuse by the mother during pregnancy. (ACOG) There are many resources to help in the awareness and possible prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome, including N.O.F.A.S. ; The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the only international non-profit committed solely to FASD prevention, advocacy, and support. This organization was founded in 1990 and is the leading voice and resource of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders community. (N.O.F.A.S.) According to the article on Fetal alcohol syndrome on the webpage â€Å"When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she risks giving birth to a child who w ill pay the price - in mental and physical deficiencies - for his or her entire life.† Many pregnant women still choose to drink alcohol and there is an estimated 1 in every 750 infants born in the United States are born with a case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome whether it is a pattern of physical, developmental, and or functional problems, while another 40000 are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE).† (Numours) There are many signs and different level of severites of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Some of the more common signs and symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome include; low birth weight, small head circumference, failure to thrive, developmental delay, organ dysfunction, facial abnormalities, epilepsy, poor coordination/fine motor skills, poor socialization skills, such as difficulty building and maintaining friendships and relating to groups, lack of imagination or curiosity, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems. Anyone suffering from Fetal Alcohol Effect may have some of these symptoms listed above but on a less severe degree. A child suffering from the affect of alcohol during growth and development who suffers from facial abnormalities may include; smaller eye openings, flattened cheekbones, and or an underdeveloped groove between the nose and upper lip. Learning disabilities may include including poor memory, inability to understand concepts such as time and money, poor language comprehension, poor problem-solving skills. While behavior problems of a child/person suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome include; hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, social withdrawal, stubbornness, impulsiveness, and anxiety. The most severe problems that may be caused by fetal alcohol syndrome can include physical deformities, mental retardation, learning disorders, vision difficulties and behavioral problems. Some features present in someone suffering with the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in ones central nervous system include; â€Å"agenesis and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, cavum septi pellucidi, cavum vergae, ventriculomegaly, hypoplasia of inferior olivary eminences, small brain stem, and micrencephaly.† (NCBI) Whereas the physical deformaties of someone suffering from the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome can include; atypical physiognomy, â€Å"smooth philtrum - The divot or groove between the nose and upper lip flattens with increased prenatal alcohol exposure, Thin vermilion - The upper lip thins with increased prenatal alcohol exposure, Small palpebral fissures - Eye width decreases with increased prenatal alcohol exposure† to the more severe frontonasal dysplasia also known as a cleft lip. (NCBI), (Numours). There are some other conditions that can commonly occur along with fetal alcohol syndrome, these are considered Alcohol related birth defects and not considered fetal alcohol syndrome. These include Cardiac problems/conditions like a heart murmur that almost always disappears by one year of age; most commonly it is a Ventricular septal

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Evolution of the Harley Davidson essays

The Evolution of the Harley Davidson essays The Evolution of the Harley Davidson Nearly a century ago, the first motorized bike was invented. The idea came from two ambitious young men, William J. Harley and Ben Davidson. Upon completion of their first successful prototype in a backyard shed, they were ready to show the world their newest creation. They could have never imagined the fame and fortune that was waiting just ahead of them. The invention of this unique machine sparked a revolution in the transportation industry. It could cover ground that was considered to be too treacherous for a four-wheeled vehicle to attempt. The narrow, two-wheeled design and the massive power made this possible and grabbed the attention of people everywhere. By the time World War I had begun, the United States Army had incorporated them into their ranks. However, the demand was not just from the Army. Civilians were finding the freedom of the wind in their faces and the sun on their backs completely addictive when they straddled one of these powerful machines. Although the first motorcycles looked nothing like the ones we see today, they were still considered to be the American Dream to many free-spirited young men. The flashy paint jobs and chromed-out motors with their loud mufflers expressed the born to be wild attitude of the daredevil riders. The low, road-hugging frame was constructed of a one-piece steel tubular design that had no rear shocks of any kind. Hence came the nickname Hard-tail. It was a stiff, spine-crunching ride that left even the most dedicated biker tired and hurting after a couple of hours of hard riding. The power train was a forty-five cubic inch, V-twin flathead motor with a four speed transmission that was shifted by hand on the side of the gas tank. The clutch was operated with the left foot, which made it extremely awkward when stopping at a red light or a stop sign. It d ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Green Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Green Construction - Essay Example In coming up with green building, there are various methods incorporated by the actors during the project planning up to the completion stage of that project (Nielson, Wolfe and Dave 8). One of the green building methods includes site stewardship. This process of green building is meant to protect and preserve the site on which the project will be set out. Practices such as proper drainage plan, designed storage and loading zones for the building materials are among the practices that will enhance green construction on the site. Moreover, mitigating dust during excavation and construction helps to reduce air pollution. This is one of the green building methods that aim to prevent adverse impacts on the environment. EIA is a management tool used to identify the feasibility of the project to be carried out. This method identifies the effects that the intended project may cause to the surrounding environment and provides the mitigation measures to address adverse impacts if any. This is one of the green building methods that enhance the aesthetic value of the landscape. This method incorporates practices such as identifying vegetation that is fit for the project site and the surrounding neighborhood to bring out an eco balance. It also includes planting of vegetation where none existed and logical arrangement of different infrastructures on the site to enhance harmony between the built and natural environment. Choosing materials for construction can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the project to the environment. Re-using and recycling materials is regarded as a sustainable approach to achieving a green building as it reduces pollution cost to the environment (Spiegel & Meadows 124). During foundation stage, the use of extruded polystyrene insulation to insulate the slab and the foundation is very vital for heat conservation. This material will assist to minimize heat loss from the floors and basement

Friday, October 18, 2019

Week3-3dq3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week3-3dq3 - Essay Example For the purpose of this paper, it will concentrate on the logical view. As its name suggests, everything should follow what the approach feels is logical, without much deviation. It normally followed the Booch Method; an object oriented language, although Booch has mostly been overtaken by Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, Booch is still being taught at most universities, normally called Rational Booch after the company Grady Booch was working at when he developed the method. Rational has since been acquired by IBM. Salehie points out that the logical view should be used first in the process, during the documentation phase (Ibid 2004). The primary documented approach of the logical view is concerned how the end system interacts or reacts with its stakeholders and what service it would exactly provide. IBM has a software tool called â€Å"Rational Rose† which uses UML. Something like biology, the logical view with Rational Booch uses â€Å"classes† to identify certain architecturally significant items and the classes are further broken down into class diagrams (groups of related classes) and class templates (each template is only concerned with one specific class). Meanwhile, items common to all of the classes are referred to as class utilities. As Kruchten says (1995), â€Å"the numerous adornments are not very useful† during the logical view, referring to a confusing array of symbols. So various standardized symbols are used for simplicity’s sake. Even the lines have a certain significance and the key should explain what each means. As an example, he used the example of a modest PBX telephone system versus the blueprint of a complicated national air traffic control system. Using different symbols, Kruchten was able to document both blueprints using a single one for each (he had many years of experience in both industries). If there is a keyword for the technology of this era, it is

Magnetic Compass Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Magnetic Compass - Term Paper Example According to Discovery channel (2009) the magnetic compass is said to have originated from China in 221 to 206 BC during the Qin dynasty, at first lodestone which is a natural magnetic was used in the construct a fortune teller board, however it was noticed that the lodestone pointed at one direction, this led to the invention of the first compass that made on a square board, the pointer of the compass was a spoon shaped lodestone and 24 cardinal points were marked on the board. Prior to the discovery of the magnetic compass sea voyage navigation depended on the outer space bodies and the sun, the compass is said to have traveled to the middle east and then to Europe while it was still possible that there was independent discovery of the compass in Europe, it is evident that the compass arrived in Europe in the 12th Century AD. The magnetic compass was improved in 8th century AD it was discovered that by rubbing a needle on lodestone the needle would point in one direction; this led to an improvement in the compass whereby the compass was now made by floating the needle on water to point direction. However the needle would loss its magnetism and therefore sailors carried the lodestone to magnetize the needle in case the needle's magnetism weakened. After the discovery of the needle pointer compass these devices were used as navigation aids in ships, Discovery channel (2009) states tha... According to Lane(1963)the compass invention stimulated trade whereby there was an increase in the number of commercial sea voyages and also the possibility of navigation in all the months of the year. Before the invention of the magnetic compass sailors depended on the sun and other outer space bodies to navigate, this means that it was relatively impossible to locate direction during the winter months and when it was dark, foggy and rainy. However sailors would know directions by observing land marks and therefore traveled near the sight of land. Lane (1963) discuses the economic impact of the magnetic compass invention, one of notable impact of the invention is that Mediterranean sailors traveled in the months of October and April, the compass led to an increase in sea travel months and voyages were possible for the months February to December. This shows that there was an increase in the number of travels in seas and this possibly had an impact on the economy, one of the impact is that there was increased trade across nations, another impact is that there was an increase employment whereby increased traveled meant that employment increased as a result of the increase in the months ships could travel. Lane (1963) points out that the number of trips a ship could make doubled, the magnetic compass reduced risks of travel and also quickened the speed at which ships took to travel from one point to another, as a result trade was enhanced and crew members were more likely to be employed for a longer period of time. The compass was also used in the mining industry, the compass in this industry was used to guide miners through the underground tunnels constructed, and

Essay on the move The Hut Locker Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On the move The Hut Locker - Essay Example Discussion Throughout the movie, there are signs that James does not look upon his job as something that he has to do, or something that he does not enjoy doing. It does not even imply that his job is something that he takes seriously.. Therefore, this points to the job being an addiction – James does it because he gets a thrill out of it. Moreover, he takes chances that he shouldn't be taking, just like an addict would take too many drugs, or gamble too much, or engage in other kinds of behavior that is unreasonably hazardous to one's well-being. When we first meet James, there is already an inkling that is a guy who enjoys taking chances – he asks Sanborn to help him move a wood that is by the window, even though Sanborn states that the wood is there to keep out snipers. They move the wood, anyhow, because Sanborn wants to see outside. This small move is a sign of things to come, as James takes increasingly risky chances with his life and the lives of his men. In the very next scene, James shows, once again, that he is more reckless than he should be. He goes to investigate an IED, instead of having a robot go and investigate it. Sanborn is dismayed by this, reasoning that the robot is halfway there, and that James shouldn't go down there until the robot has a chance to find out about the suspicious device. Sanborn decides right then that James is reckless, stating that James is reckless, when Owen calls James â€Å"rowdy.† Then, James, as he approaches the IED does not respond to Sanborn's entreaties to keep him, Sanborn, posted on what he, James, is doing. His actions end up endangering the men, as a suspicious taxi driver causes a commotion that makes everybody on edge. As James approaches the IED, it is obvious that he does not feel the danger in what he is doing – he is way too casual about it, and ends up making jokes that Sanborn and others do not find funny. The inescapable conclusion is that he feels the need to investigag e the IED because this is something that gives him a type of high - he wants to do it, and the danger of the situation is something that he looks forward to. This is obvious by the way that he approaches the situation not with trepidation, but with zeal. Sanborn immediately figures that there is something not quite right with James. After James acted recklessly the day before, Sanborn states that he, Sanborn, was in intelligence and that he could read James and James' motivation. He immediately senses that James is the type of person that will get him killed, as well as get himself killed. Again, the inescapable conclusion is that James is enjoying himself. Even when Sanborn calls him on his reckless nature, James doesn't seem to care. Sanborn clearly has the demeanor of somebody who is in the job not because he loves it or is addicted to it, but because it is a job and he no doubt believes in the job. As such, he recognizes the danger in situation, and he reacts with alarm to dange rous situations. He believes in taking every precaution. James, however, is clearly not only enjoying himself, but seems to take a thrill out of danger. The next scene where this is shown is where James is disarming a vehicle. He took his helmet off, even though this act of taking off his helmet was met with alarm by Owen. James reasons that if he is going to die, he is going to die comfortable. Therefore, this is yet another instance where

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chose one of the topics from the attachments Essay

Chose one of the topics from the attachments - Essay Example Of course, one needs to be apprised of any eminent negative effects that these social networking sites present to current and potential users. In this regard, the essay hereby aims to persuade the readers that using a social networking Web site has both positive and negative effects on relationships that should be evaluated to increase awareness on the most appropriate course of action regarding its continued use. Solis (2011) has recognized the significant and crucial impact that social media has impacted on today’s generation. As emphasized, â€Å"social media is pervasive and it is transforming how people find and share information and how they connect and collaborate with one another† (Solis, 2011, par. 1). The article written by Horn (2011) revealed that â€Å"social media is one of the most popular and fastest growing mobile activities, reaching nearly one third of all U.S. mobile users† (Horn, 2011, par. 4). The Technolog article, on the other hand, entitled â€Å"Older adults are flocking to social networks† has disclosed that â€Å"social networking use by Internet users ages 50 and older nearly doubled in the past year, going from 22 percent in April 2009 to 42 percent in May 2010† (Technolog, 2010, par. 1). These statistics prove that social networking in an increasingly popular trend that has enticed various users from a wide range of age groups. The reasons why social networks have been seen as beneficial to users are as follows: (1) easy access to information on general issues, social relationships and other current events; (2) cheap and convenient as current and updated information are readily available 24/7; (3) â€Å"social media makes you travel the world without even leaving your chair†¦indicating that no matter what kind of business it is, the use of social media is essential in order to gravitate products to the

Sustainable Housing - The Greenest Building is the One Already Built Dissertation

Sustainable Housing - The Greenest Building is the One Already Built - Dissertation Example His constant help and support acted as a source of motivation along with adding value to the research process. The researcher would also like to thank her professors for helping and supporting through their knowledge and guidance that reflected in underpinning the research topic in a succinct manner. The support and cooperation of the University administrators cannot be ignored in terms of allowing access to the library and other electronic sources that further helped in adding great value to the research. The researcher was lucky enough to be supported by his friends in terms of brainstorming on the research topic resulting in multiple ideas and thoughts that further helped in adding depth to the research topic. Moreover, the support of family further added enthusiasm and confidence that resulted in motivation to achieve the desired feat in a systematic manner. Overall, it can be said that with the support and cooperation of many people, the researcher was successful in conducting t he research that helped in achieving the purposed aim and objectives. The research that once started with an idea was fully supported above mentioned people and the researcher feel great in acknowledging their support and cooperation level. ... The literature review underpinned various issues like sustainability housing, the current unsustainability, re-use of existing buildings, measures being taken for sustainable housing and useful and logical use of existing buildings. In order to further underpin the literature findings; research methodology was used based on identifying and cross checking the concept of sustainable housing. For this purpose, anti-positivism research philosophy and inductive research approach was used followed by conducting in-depth interviews on local authorities for historic information on sustainable housing and effects on the environment. The findings revealed that the concept of sustainable housing is quite contradictory as buildings can be environment friendly but no building can be fully environmental friendly. Moreover, with the construction of new buildings and use of new technologies and gadgets, there is further release of chemicals and energy that is harmful to the environment. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that sustainable housing can only exist when people and local authorities are environment friendly. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1.Introduction 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Research Aim 6 1.3 Research Objectives 6 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Rationale for the Research Topic 7 1.6 Scope of the Research 7 1.7: Purposed Methodology 8 1.8: Limitations 8 1.9: Structure of the Dissertation 9 1.10: Summary 10 Chapter 2.0 Literature Review 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Sustainable Housing 11 2.3 The Current Unsustainability 12 2.4 Re-using Existing Resources 13 2.5 Recent Changes in Sustainable Housing 14 2.6 Operations and Maintaiennce Optimisation 15 2.7 Summary 16 Chapter 3.0

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Essay on the move The Hut Locker Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On the move The Hut Locker - Essay Example Discussion Throughout the movie, there are signs that James does not look upon his job as something that he has to do, or something that he does not enjoy doing. It does not even imply that his job is something that he takes seriously.. Therefore, this points to the job being an addiction – James does it because he gets a thrill out of it. Moreover, he takes chances that he shouldn't be taking, just like an addict would take too many drugs, or gamble too much, or engage in other kinds of behavior that is unreasonably hazardous to one's well-being. When we first meet James, there is already an inkling that is a guy who enjoys taking chances – he asks Sanborn to help him move a wood that is by the window, even though Sanborn states that the wood is there to keep out snipers. They move the wood, anyhow, because Sanborn wants to see outside. This small move is a sign of things to come, as James takes increasingly risky chances with his life and the lives of his men. In the very next scene, James shows, once again, that he is more reckless than he should be. He goes to investigate an IED, instead of having a robot go and investigate it. Sanborn is dismayed by this, reasoning that the robot is halfway there, and that James shouldn't go down there until the robot has a chance to find out about the suspicious device. Sanborn decides right then that James is reckless, stating that James is reckless, when Owen calls James â€Å"rowdy.† Then, James, as he approaches the IED does not respond to Sanborn's entreaties to keep him, Sanborn, posted on what he, James, is doing. His actions end up endangering the men, as a suspicious taxi driver causes a commotion that makes everybody on edge. As James approaches the IED, it is obvious that he does not feel the danger in what he is doing – he is way too casual about it, and ends up making jokes that Sanborn and others do not find funny. The inescapable conclusion is that he feels the need to investigag e the IED because this is something that gives him a type of high - he wants to do it, and the danger of the situation is something that he looks forward to. This is obvious by the way that he approaches the situation not with trepidation, but with zeal. Sanborn immediately figures that there is something not quite right with James. After James acted recklessly the day before, Sanborn states that he, Sanborn, was in intelligence and that he could read James and James' motivation. He immediately senses that James is the type of person that will get him killed, as well as get himself killed. Again, the inescapable conclusion is that James is enjoying himself. Even when Sanborn calls him on his reckless nature, James doesn't seem to care. Sanborn clearly has the demeanor of somebody who is in the job not because he loves it or is addicted to it, but because it is a job and he no doubt believes in the job. As such, he recognizes the danger in situation, and he reacts with alarm to dange rous situations. He believes in taking every precaution. James, however, is clearly not only enjoying himself, but seems to take a thrill out of danger. The next scene where this is shown is where James is disarming a vehicle. He took his helmet off, even though this act of taking off his helmet was met with alarm by Owen. James reasons that if he is going to die, he is going to die comfortable. Therefore, this is yet another instance where

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sustainable Housing - The Greenest Building is the One Already Built Dissertation

Sustainable Housing - The Greenest Building is the One Already Built - Dissertation Example His constant help and support acted as a source of motivation along with adding value to the research process. The researcher would also like to thank her professors for helping and supporting through their knowledge and guidance that reflected in underpinning the research topic in a succinct manner. The support and cooperation of the University administrators cannot be ignored in terms of allowing access to the library and other electronic sources that further helped in adding great value to the research. The researcher was lucky enough to be supported by his friends in terms of brainstorming on the research topic resulting in multiple ideas and thoughts that further helped in adding depth to the research topic. Moreover, the support of family further added enthusiasm and confidence that resulted in motivation to achieve the desired feat in a systematic manner. Overall, it can be said that with the support and cooperation of many people, the researcher was successful in conducting t he research that helped in achieving the purposed aim and objectives. The research that once started with an idea was fully supported above mentioned people and the researcher feel great in acknowledging their support and cooperation level. ... The literature review underpinned various issues like sustainability housing, the current unsustainability, re-use of existing buildings, measures being taken for sustainable housing and useful and logical use of existing buildings. In order to further underpin the literature findings; research methodology was used based on identifying and cross checking the concept of sustainable housing. For this purpose, anti-positivism research philosophy and inductive research approach was used followed by conducting in-depth interviews on local authorities for historic information on sustainable housing and effects on the environment. The findings revealed that the concept of sustainable housing is quite contradictory as buildings can be environment friendly but no building can be fully environmental friendly. Moreover, with the construction of new buildings and use of new technologies and gadgets, there is further release of chemicals and energy that is harmful to the environment. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that sustainable housing can only exist when people and local authorities are environment friendly. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1.Introduction 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Research Aim 6 1.3 Research Objectives 6 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Rationale for the Research Topic 7 1.6 Scope of the Research 7 1.7: Purposed Methodology 8 1.8: Limitations 8 1.9: Structure of the Dissertation 9 1.10: Summary 10 Chapter 2.0 Literature Review 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Sustainable Housing 11 2.3 The Current Unsustainability 12 2.4 Re-using Existing Resources 13 2.5 Recent Changes in Sustainable Housing 14 2.6 Operations and Maintaiennce Optimisation 15 2.7 Summary 16 Chapter 3.0

Social Networking on Relationships Essay Example for Free

Social Networking on Relationships Essay Social networking sites have a negative influence on children, teenagers and adults. â€Å"A social networking site can be defined as an online service that is based around the building and reflecting of social relations among individuals with common interests or social ties,† . Social networking sites such as Facebook, Skype, and Twitter all vary slightly. They can enable users to create a profile and them to interact through email, IM and other integrated communication channels within the site. The popularity and growth of social networking sites over the past five years has been enormous. Today, there are more than 1 billion active users on face book and users spend over 700 billion minutes per month on this social networking site. As the technology improves and advances, social networking sites have biggest impact on society and human relationships, both positive and negative. I’m going discuss the three main reasons why social networking sites bring many negative impacts pose on today’s media. One main reason social networking has an negative effect is because it ends relationships. One thing is for sure these sites are the breaking point of relationships in conversations amongst our friends and peers. Recent studies have shown that the use of social networks is a contributing factor to break ups of relationships and marriages. Studies show that the significant amount of time spent on these social networks engaged in contact with members of the opposite sex tends to create jealousy and a lack of trust which can lead to the relationship ending. â€Å"The internet makes it much easier to start a relationship, get caught and make a relationship come to an end. From what could be deemed inappropriate comments or postings, to friends of the opposite sex that stirs up feelings of jealousy and mistrust. Also, inboxes being â€Å"overly flirtatious†, lying and cheating. The second reason that social networking is bad for society is that it makes people lazy and overweight. About two decades ago, when people were bored, they would go outside and do something. Nowadays, many people just go on their phones and â€Å"tweet† about how bored they are or scroll through a friends new pictures and click the â€Å"like† button a few times. Sure, social networking might give you something â€Å"to do,† but really, you aren’t doing anything! People sit at computers and eat their self away. Children today don’t know how to communicate face to face with people. They would rather text or IM their friends than even think about having a verbal conversation with them. Children are going to school accessing the network over their phones instead of doing their work. For example, in my home town, a student saw that another student posted a status threatening to bomb the school. Everyone had to evacuate immediately. Another reason to be aware of is the illegal actions that can be performed, such as piracy, fraud, virtual shoplifting, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, sexual harassment, fake identities, or worse death. Can you imagine all of the kids approving a bunch of random people, they do not know being able to come in contact with them? Social Networks create an open access towards exposing individuals’ personal information. â€Å"This includes full name, date of birth, addresses, phone numbers, precise locations, emails, and more. † Exposed private information of adolescents causes them to be at risk with dangerous situations previous listed. Individuals attacked are highly exposed to having psychological problems, becoming afraid of outcomes, becoming depressed and using suicide as a method to stop attacks. Social networks have changed people by allowing them to befriend and contact more people more frequently and more efficiently. Unfortunately, they have also limited some face-to-face conversations with family and friends. Although social networking sites are efficient in providing ways to communicate, we need to limit our use of social networking sites in order to become stronger as individuals and to strengthen our relationships.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Improving WPA and WPA2

Improving WPA and WPA2 Introduction: WPA is an acronym for â€Å"Wi-Fi Protected Access†. It was designed and developed by Wi-Fi alliance as a reponse to the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the previous wireless security protocol i.e. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). It is a certification program developed by WiFi alliance to indicate compliance with the previous security protocol and secure wireless networks. WPA2: WPA2 is vulnerable to insider attack(If attacker is in the network or somehow gets into the network) under certain conditions. Following are the attacks on WPA/WPA2: PSK (Pre-Shared Key) vulnerability. PSK cracking tool, Eavesdropping. (Attack on PSK Authentication) PEAP mis-configuring Vulnerability. (Attack on Authetication Server) TKIP Vulnerability. (Attack on Encryption) Encyption in WPA2: There are two types of keys used in WPA2 for encryption: Pairwise key(PTK): It is used to protect unicast data frames. Group key (GTK): It is used to protect group addressed data frames like Broadcast APR data request frames. It is used as an encryption key in Access Point(AP) while as a decryption key in Client. Analysis and Improvement of 802.11i (WPA2): The security requirement for WLAN(Wireless Local Area network) industry are data confidentiality. Intergrit, mutual authentication and availability. Primary recommendations: CCMP should be used for data confidentiality. Mutual Authentication must be implemented for security concerns. Addresses DoS(Denial of Service ) in MAC (Medium Access Control)layer. Wireless Threats: Passive Eavesdropping/ Traffic Analysis: An attacker can easilty sniff and store all the traffic in the WLAN. Message Injection / Active Eavesdropping: An attacker is capable of inserting a message into the wireless network with the help of NIC cards(Network Interface cards). Attacker can generate any choosen packet, modify contents of the packet and completely control the transmission of the packet. Message Deletion and Interception: It is done by interfering with the packet reception processon the receivers antenna. eg. Causing CRC errors so that the receiver drops the packet. Message interception means that an adversary is able to control a connection completely i.e an attacker can capture a packet before the receiver actually receives it and decide whether to delete the packet or forward it to the receiver. Masquerading and Malicious AP (Access Point): An attacker can learn MAC addresses by eavesdropping and it can also spoof MAC address. Session hijacking: An adversary may be able to hijack alegitimate session after the wireless devics have finished authenticatin themselves successfully. It can be overcome using data confidentiality and strong integrity meachanism Man in the Middle Attack (MitM): ARP cache posioning is a type of Man in the Middle Attack in case of wired connection. Denial of Service(DoS): An adversary is capable of making the whole Basic Service Set (BSS) unavailable, or disrupting the connection between legitimate peers . Ex. forging the unprotected management frames, protocol weaknesses or jamming of frequency bands with denial of service to the legitimate users. Data Confidentiality and integrity: It defines threee confidentiality security protocols: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) CCMP (Counter Mode Cipher Blocking chaining MAC (Message Authetication Code) Protocol). A temporal key (TK) is assumed tobe shared between peers before executing any data confidentiality protocols. Authentication and Key Management: There are two types of Authetication systems: Open System Authetication. Shared Key Authentication. These are not secured so IEEE802.11i definesa new standard viz. RSNA (Robust Security Network Association) RSNA establishment procedure: Network and Security Caability Discovery. 802.11 Authentication and Association. EAP / 802.1X / RADIUS Authentication. 4-way handshake Group key handshake. Secure data communication. Availability: Main cause is due to DoS attack: First, an adversary can launch an 802.11i attack much more easily than a physical layer attack, with only moderate equipment. Second, it is much more difficult for a network administrator to detect and locate these attacks. Layer abstraction is a very important concept in networks, requiring each layer to provide independent functionality separately. Michael Algorithm is used to solve above problems. It woks as follows: When a incorrect packet is detected by Access point, it waits for 60 secs,within this time span of 60 secsif another incorrect packet is received by access point from the same source then it shut down that link. Application: 1. Security for Mobile ATE: The data collected from hardware systems using mobile phones, PDAs application needs to be protected as currently many internet like things are done on mobiles only. We are also aware that the security in mobile phones while accessing internet is not secured.To overcome this, many ATE (Automatic test Equipment) are isolated from networks and run in stand-alone environments. An ATE system describes a single hardware device performing test measurements or a group of devices testing another hardware system. Mobile app developers need to focus on securing data using apps: Configuration of the mobile device. Apps running on the device. Equipment communicating with the device. Wireless connection between the device and ATE. When ATE is sending data out from the device, it can use an https connection, data encryption and user authenticationto ensure that the non-trusted sources will not have access to the data.The wireless connection between the device and the server should be secured using wireless security protocols like WPA,WPA2, HTTPS and AES encryption. Below fig. shows the security concerns for the mobile devices. Fig. Major Mobile Application Server Areas Securing the Wireless Connection: The mobile device should never connect to the ATE system through an unsecure WiFi network. Users must connect to the networks that implements strongest security protocol with encryption included. In strict scenarios, the application must use a secure VPN(Virtual Private Network) to connect to the server. Securing the mobile Device: No amount of coding, server configuration or wireless setup will be useful if the hardware containing the mobile application has already been compromised. Before installing any application on the mobile device, user must check that they have ot already compromised their systems security features by jailbreaking or rooting the device. A jailbroken device is that device where user removes â€Å"Operating system limitations imposed by the manufacturer†. By both of the process i.e. jailbreaking or rooting, all of the security features that the system designers built-in to protect users are put into jeopardy. Securing the Application: Application must not gain too much controlof the mobile device. Each application must be independent of each other i.e one application must not call other application or use resources of the other. Securing the ATE system: The administrator and the developer on the ATE server need to work together to assure that the server providing the mobile apllication data is secure. Most of the data processing must be done on the ATE server side as it is difficult for the attacker to access data and also computing power is ore on server side. (A)Data Acquisition Methodology: Obtaining black -listed IP addresses: It was obtained from a german website, which was not up-to-date. This blacklisted IP addresses were the primary source for quantifying illegal activities. Associating blacklisted IP addresses with geographic locations: IP addresses were never assigned to a specific geographical area or region. IP addresses were assigned to organisations in blocks or assigned to residences through fixed commercials ISPs. Maxmind provided one such tool named GeoIP. The GeoIP tool contains a database of IP addresses and their corresponding global location information viz. City, State, Country, longitude and latitude. Obtaining security statistics of WiFi deployments: The statistics of WiFi deployments such as percentage of secure access points and the number of blacklisted IP address occuring within the specific deployments for cities. (B) Data Manipulation Methodology: It involves processing the data. Depending on the number of IP addresses balcklisted, city were choosen i.e the city having highest number of blacklisted IP addresses were considered. Data Analysis Methodology: We generated derived statistics of fileds such as IP address availability, WiFi network security and the number of blacklisted IP addresses. Results of Data realated Methodology: Suggestion: After 2006, every wireless enabled device is WPA/WPA2 certified and Trademarked by WiFi alliance. The biggest hurdle is that users are unaware of the wireless security protocols and in the security dialogue box also first one is â€Å"None† and after that there is a list from WEP to WPA2. It has been seen that the user choose â€Å"None† or WEP as a security protocol without knowing exactly what that security protocol does as it comes earlier in the list. So, the first and the foremost thing is do make user aware of the protocols and advice them to use better protocol as per the requirements. For Ex.,Corporate world must use the toughest to decipher protocol whereas normal user can use somewhat lighter version of the protocol with good password, but it must never have the Wireless access without any security protocol i.e. none. References: Security for Mobile ATE Applications by Susan Moran. Malicious WiFI Network: A First Look by Andrew Zafft and Emmaneal Agu. Security Analysis and Improvements for IEEE 802.11i by Changhua He and John C Mitchell .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The History and Composition of Great Musical Pieces :: Music Musicians Composers Essays

The History and Composition of Great Musical Pieces Music is the most intangible art form. You cannot grasp or hold it, as you can other art forms. It is there for a minute, and it vanishes as soon as the last chord fades away. The great works of music are timeless. They remain with us after all the instruments have been packed away and the players have all gone home, in our heads, playing over and over. We hear them everywhere from shopping malls to commercials, even after their composers have been dead for hundreds of years. However, as technology grows and our lives get seemingly busier in this new millennium, the appreciation for this amazing art form has waned considerably. With digital synthesizers and greedy producers, the music that makes people feel their true existence has vanished. And I, being a devote musician, have grown up with the desire to recreate such music, to give people the chance to get swept off the dance floor and evoke great emotion. In order to do so, I am exploring the history of great musical pieces, so th at the facts behind the composers’ melodies, and their process in creating masterpieces will be as timeless as the music they made. I began exploring the musical world in second grade, when I begrudgingly started piano lessons following in my older sister’s footsteps. What began as a struggle turned out to be an ongoing experience I find in both my exploration of piano and viola (started in 5th grade). I am not a prodigal player, and whether I am a talented composer remains to be seen, but I find unexpected yet comforting roots among the musical world. With each day I learn more about various composers and get to know them and their styles. From Mozart’s pure melodies, Beethoven’s harmonies, to Chopin’s ability to seamlessly modulate from key to key I find finesse, detail and ease. I am fascinated by their abilities to pull a melody out of thin air and embellish it. I feel that I am not the only one gripped by the music composers create; the whole human race enjoys listening to music, whether it is classical, jazz, rap or one of the many other forms of music the world has to offer toda y. Music has always been an integral part of human life. Not only has it followed us throughout our history, but it has its own history.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Most Important Element of Style :: Writing Style Styles Essays

The Most Important Element of Style I've collected numerous ideas from both Joseph William's book Style Toward Clarity and Grace and William Strunk and E.B. White's The Elements of Style. These books serve as reference guides to writers seeking guidance in improving their writing skills. I feel the text format of any writing is the most important element of style. The text layout in regards to style deals with font, size and contrast. The font makes the text. You are able to change the font to show importance or the use quotes. An example would be "bolding" an example. A normal font such as Times Roman can be used to for the body. However, a font such as Arial Black allows the text to stand out. Changes in size also have the same effect. These adjustments in the format of the text also creates a contrast in the writing. This allows the reader to easily identify the important points. I feel Strunk and White choose a design that is easy to read and sticks directly to the point. The reader is able to locate the issue and find the solution and an example to problem. The style issue is listed by number and bolded to stand out. An example of the same correct style issue is given in different versions. This allows the reader to apply such style to their own writings. These different topics are stated in bold to be easily read. T he guide gives the reader good examples to assist in their writings. This is important because the reader is searching for something particular and seeking a particular resolution. Providing an easy to read guide is extremely helpful. A guide that is easy to navigate decreases the stress often associated with writing. The ability to find things easy is always helpful. The layout in Williams’ text is not easy to read. The paragraphs often seem connected. The effect of text format to prefered reading is evident in this guide. Several of my classmates agreed that this guide was not as easily accessible as Strunk & White. These feelings were solely based upon the format of the text.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Macroeconomics affects business Essay

Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that explores trends in the national economy as a whole considering the study of the sum of individual economic factors. Macroeconomics considers the larger picture, and an understanding of how do business operates is crucial to understand macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is intertwined with business because business is affected by the factors that constitute macroeconomics. Circular-flow diagram: a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms. Using this diagram it can be clearly observed how some factors can influence business operations.. Business is affected by many economic activities. These activities are: Interest rate increase, taxes increase, unemployment rate increase, Inflation. Interest Rate. Interest rate is a rate which is charged or paid for the use of money. Increase of interest rate has a great affect on several consumption opportunities. 1. As it can be observed from the graph, if interest rate increases the consumption expenditures of households will decrease, which means that company’s profit will decrease. In future it will lead to decrease in production output. In order to be competitive companies will need to cut wages or even fire somebody from the personnel, which will again lead to decrease in consumption opportunities. 2. Affect on cost of borrowing. Many companies around the world make their business by loaning money from the bank. If interest rate increases, the interest payments on credit and loans become more expensive. Therefore this discourages companies from borrowing and widening its business. Companies who already have loans will have less disposable income because they spend more on interest payments. 3. Increase in mortgage interest payments. In majority of cases companies borrow mortgages to buy already existed place  for operations or to build a new building. And if the mortgage interest will increase even by very little percent, it will have significant impact on businesses disposable income. That’s why it will be more profitable for them to rent an apartment rather that to buy a new one. 4. Reduced Confidence. Interest rates have an effect on business confidence. A rise in interest rates discourages investment; it makes firms less willing to take out risky investments and purchases Taxes A fee charged by a government on a product, income, or activity. Here are some effects of taxes on business operations. 1. Taxes lower overall gains. There is a statement in accounting which calls income statement. In income statement all revenues and expenses are written. After subtractions of all expenses out of revenues there is a column which name is Earnings before interest and taxes. Results of â€Å"before tax† and â€Å"after tax† business cases can look quite different. Where the business case shows gains or net cash inflows, taxes operate to lower overall gains because operating income and capital gains are normally taxed. 2. Low wages Multiple governments levy so many taxes on businesses that â€Å"taxes† is the highest budget items on the ledger sheets of most businesses. These taxes take away some of the money otherwise used to pay wages. That’s why employers can’t pay good wages. 3. High prices In many countries governments put many taxes on businesses that â€Å"taxes† is the highest budget items on the ledger sheets of most businesses. Businesses have to raise prices to get money to pay these taxes. So product prices go up. This leads to inflation. Unemployment. Unemployment is an economic condition marked by the fact that individuals actively seeking jobs remain unhired. There are several reasons of unemployment in a country. They are: 1. Worldwide financial crisis Companies do not have enough money to hire new staff to the company and to increase their outcome. 2. Population increase When, for example, baby boomers reach the age of 18, they start to search for a job, but the number of work places did not increase. That’s why many of them become unemployed. 3. Low qualification The majority of companies nowadays try to employ more qualified workers, and people that are less qualified fail to find a better job 4. Replacement of workers by technologies In todays world technological progress is very visible. In many factories people force is replaced by machine. And if 10 years ago in order to produce one detail you need 10 people, today you need only one or two persons who will watch after this process of production Unemployment has a direct impact on all business. People buy products and services and if they do not have a job they will buy less products and services. That is why increasing unemployment often results in many businesses reducing inventories because they expect to sell less. Another reason is that many companies in order to develop and reach the new level of production need more qualified personnel. But if there is a shortage of qualified people, company can not develop at all and should whether stay at the same level of find other ways to improve. The third reason is that during the recessions and crisis companies should cut their expenses, that’s why in order to be competitive and do not decrease the level of production they should fire some workers Inflation Inflation is an increase in the price of a basket of goods and services that is representative of the economy as a whole. Effects of inflation on business. 1. People try to get rid of cash before it is devalued, by saving food and  other commodities creating shortages of the saved objects. That’s why in a specific period of time, for example, one week, people will consume a lot of goods, but one week later they will not consume at all. 2. Increased risk – Higher uncertainties. Uncertainties in business always exist, but with inflation risks are very high, because of the instability of prices. 3. Existing credit companies will be hurt, because the value of the money they will receive from their borrowers later will be lower than the money they gave before. 4. Fixed income recipients will be hurt, because while inflation increases, their income doesn’t increase, and therefore their income will have less value over time. 5. Companies will think they were making profits while in reality they’re losing money if they don’t take into consideration the inflation rate when calculating profits. 6. Many companies will have to go out of business because of the losses they incurred from inflation and its effects. 7. Rising prices of imports if the currency is debased, then it’s purchasing power in the international market is lower.For the same amount of money companies will be able to buy less. 8. Competition. If there is a lot of competition in a market, businesses try harder to keep prices low to keep buyers. It means that companies will have less and less profit. Sometimes they will need to cut the wages. But staff do not like when the wages are cut. And if they will not find something else in order to cover their costs, they will soon become a bankrupt. In conclusion it can be said that Macroeconomics has a very big impact on the business operations. Economics intersect with business in almost everything. And whatever changes will occur in economics it will for sure display in business.