Saturday, May 25, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay

Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a humanity and a woman join unitedly with the promise of cacoethes, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take c atomic number 18 of one some other and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring, loving and growing closer to God and raising their family in ways that the Lord would have them, by abiding to the playscript of God. Now days the traditional view of marriage is being changed by lively and lesbian couples demanding the corresponding right to love, honor and treat each other. This argumentative essay on gay marriage will explore both sides on the debate of gay and lesbian marriages. Historically, marriage was seen as a religious and civil union that brought together a man and woman for the purpose of joining family and to live the rest of their lives together. Biblical marriage was seen with the same purposes but including God in their marriage and to honor and obey the laws of marriage in His Word. Love may have been a big part of choosing a mate, or asking the person to marry you, but not the only factor.For Christians, we would not claim a mate neither friends, nor family nor parents, but the Lord would choose the one for us. If you choose a mate, you would choose one that you could live with the rest of your life, who could put up with you and your shenanigans and vice-versa, who may have a lot in commons or may not and so forth. Over time society has came to believe that love is the only reason to marry. No longer is marriage a union that is based on the future together forever and for starting a family, but vindicatory for enjoyment and emotional satisfaction. If it were to go wrong, or you just stopped loving that person, you could always back out and find another person to love. With these shifts in why to marry , what we have come to expect from marriage has overly changed. Modern American society has changed its view of marriage. Society sees marriage as an institution whose purpose is to provide emotional satisfaction to the person concerned, and whose terms are negotiable and revocable. Marriage, traditionally limited to unions between men and woman, in its modern state is slowly beginning to include the idea of same sexcouples.When love becomes the primary driving force to marry not the need to set up your own family then marriage can be open to every forms of partnerships. God institutes marriage in the Bible in Genesis chapter 2 verse 18, And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. The Word of God states that a man and woman be married in verse 24 of chapter 2, Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall gravel unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. Not a man and another man or a woman and another woman, but one man and one woman would l eave their families to start a new one together, by marriage. God didnt create Adam and Steve, but Adam and evening The book of Leviticus gives Gods rules to us for everyone, everywhere for all time, here on earth.Leviticus 1822 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind it is wickedness. Leviticus 2013 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination God commanded that homosexuality is wrong, gay and lesbian marriage alike. It is an abomination is His sight. Romans 126b for even their women did change the innate use into that which is against nature Romans 127 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another men with men. It is not natural for man to like another man and motive to be with him. It is the same with woman As stated in the above paragraph, God created woman to be a help meet for men. Adam was lonely in the garden, so God created a woman from him He didnt create another man to be with Adam, but a woman. If homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord, then certainly gay marriage is wrong in Gods eyes tooMarriage, between a man and a woman, save and wife, is to be enjoyable, pleasurable, romantic, long-lasting and holy in Gods sight God made men and women to live with, walk with, speak with, love, to be together and enjoy life together, not the other way. I believe in the way I was reared and taught, I believe in Gods holy, infallible, exalt and preserved Word, I believe in Biblical marriage do you?

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